Wednesday, January 30, 2008


New Obesity Drug May Help Heart. Part 2

They were randomly assigned to take either an inactive pill
(placebo), 5 milligrams of Acomplia, or 20 milligrams of Acomplia
No one knew which pill they were taking.

Less than two-thirds finished the field.
Here are their metric and waistline losses:Medicine: 5.07 pounds and
1.33 inches lost Acomplia (lower dose): 9.26 pounds and 1.92 inches
lost Acomplia (higher dose): 18.96 pounds and 3.58 inches lost

Artifact loss happened during the ordinal nine months and leveled off later, the absorption shows.

troika groups also showed improvements in HDL “good” cholesterol, with
the biggest improvements in those taking the higher dose of Acomplia.

Who Quit?

All digit groups had roughly the same pct of participants quit the work (37% to 40%).

out of the document because of side effects was mainly seen in the
masses taking the higher 20-milligram dose of Acomplia.

Boilers suit, the researchers note that few patients quit over those problems.

This is a part of article New Obesity Drug May Help Heart. Part 2 Taken from "Generic Acomplia (Rimonabant) Discussions" Information Blog


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